TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta - The Jakarta administration will authorize three kinds of local regulations associated with the vehicle. Rules on customs behind the name, motor vehicle fuel tax and motor vehicle taxes that are progressive. The three types of levies actually been in effect earlier. But the new rules which will come into force on January 1, 2011 this will be some adjustments, including law enforcement district tax base.
"The foundation of the previous local tax law is Law No. 34 of 2000 on Taxes and Levies. Converted into Law No. 28 Year 2009 on Regional Tax and Retribution, "said Head of Tax Services of Jakarta, Iwan Setiawandi, yesterday.
Motor vehicle fuel tax is charged to the refueling station manager at the time of purchase from PT Pertamina. The fee is 5 percent of the sale value before subject to value added tax (VAT). Percentage tax rates could change if there is an increase in world oil prices exceed 130 percent of the world oil price assumption in the current Budget. "It charged that the managers, but consumers will also be affected by fuel prices," said Iwan.
Next is the motor vehicle tax which is progressive and is paid every year. The basis of computation is the value multiplied by the rate of motor vehicle sales 1.5 percent for the first vehicle ownership. The second vehicle tax rose to 1.75 percent, 2.5 percent the third vehicle, then the fourth vehicle and beyond 4 percent.
Rates for vehicles owned entities (not individuals) was fixed 1.5 percent. While owned by military, police, central government and local governments by 0.5 percent.
Public transport, ambulances, hearses, and fire rate of 0.5 percent. While owned by religious charitable organizations, the rate of 0.5 percent, and tariffs for heavy equipment and large at 0.20 percent.
Cost behind the name will be imposed on the transfer of ownership of motor vehicles more than 12 months since the sale, exchange, gift, inheritance, or entry into the enterprise. Delivery of the first tariff of 10 percent, and for the second and subsequent vehicles by 1 percent.
Source : tempointeraktif.com, December 23, 2010
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