In the midst of heated debate about the position of Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region in the context of the discussion draft Law (Draft) The specialty of Yogyakarta, the debate about the imposition of a tax of 10 percent of consumers a simplified food stalls as "Warung Tegal" (Warteg) is not less crowded and confiscate attention of the people of Jakarta and surrounding areas. As usual, the news about the taxation of food services was already excited everywhere despite the new rules implemented next year.
In order not to deviate to the debate about the gap between large and small dining restaurants underprivileged, Governor Fauzi Bowo confirmed that the taxation of small food stalls or warteg only limited discourse. We give an appreciation of the attitude of the governor who quick to respond to this matter. Why? If not quickly be anticipated, the question of tax on food stalls can be blurred and her group opposes the small community with those who haves, and it is dangerous.
Regarding the application of real-taxes already imposed on restaurants or restaurant and cafe-society directly interpreted by a variety of opinions, and ends against the attitude of the city administration which was considered more burdensome small community groups. According to the Head of Regulation and Tax Counseling Office of DKI Jakarta, Susilo Arifin, imposition of a tax of 10 percent of the food stalls are often called "warteg" it's because these types of businesses considered to have entered a prerequisite subject to income tax as stipulated in Law No. 28 of 2009 on Regional Taxes and Levies.
But, who entered the category of taxpayers is a provider of food and beverage business which has revenues of 60 million dollars per year. Taxes will apply to all types of restaurants that have a turnover of 60 million dollars per year or about 5 million rupiah per month, or about 167,000 rupiah per day. Not only warteg, this tax also will apply to owners of restaurants and related business fields.
Members of the DPRD DKI Jakarta is actually not one word about this. Some refused and some agree. Vice Chairman of DPRD DKI, Triwisaksana, who is also chairman of the Legislation Board (Balegda) claimed to have heard expressions of concern from a number of businessmen who voiced objections warteg. Apart from food stalls entrepreneurs, a number of observers and the public expressed their objection. Related pros and cons of this issue, wise step taken by Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo after assert that it is still a discourse.
Governor proposed a study of factors impact the amount that would arise if the policy is enforced. Therefore, Fauzi said will require an integrated report of the Assistant Economic and Tax Office (DPP) DKI. He promised not to impose policies that do not favor the small people. In this regard, we wish to remind that our society in general are very vulnerable in accepting rumors or news that is uncertain, especially regarding a regulation that has a direct impact on them.
It is fitting the relevant parties, whether provincial government officials, the parliament, observers, or those who may be affected by new regulations, checking the truth of such information. In many cases, the news is skewed, uncertain, and perhaps also the later diembuskan tendentious news, negative impact or even cause turmoil in society. If the turmoil that has turned into a destructive action, will be even harder to prevent it.
Therefore, we judge good enough attitude shown Jakarta Governor who ordered his staff to the Koran in depth discourse plans or tax pengenaaan catering or food stalls this. When the results of the study was agreed upon and announced to the public it deserves, just choose the right time to announce it. The next step is to disseminate sustainable for a common understanding can be well received.
Source : Jakarta Newspapers, December 4, 2010
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