SURABAYA - SURYA-The customer stalls alongside a road (street vendors) must be prepared to spend more in because the price of each food on street vendors will be added tax of 10 percent.
This policy applies if the draft Regional Regulation (draft) on regional tax approved by the DPRD Surabaya.
In the draft regulations were written that the street vendors are included in restaurant tax object, just like restaurants, cafeterias, canteens, shops, depots, bars, hawker center, bakery, and catering. This means that vendors must pay a 10 percent restaurant tax.
Street vendors are subject to tax is a sales turnover equal to or more than Rp 1 million per month.
However, this provision immediately rejected the Chairman of the DPRD Surabaya FPKS Fatkur Rohman. According to him, the categorization street vendors in the restaurant is not subject to tax in accordance with Law 28/2009 on Regional Taxes and Levies. "In law there is no word street vendors, only the last point recorded in the similar activities. But, this is directly interpreted as street vendors, "he said.
According Fatkur, terms turnover USD 1 million is also absurd. "My neighbor just Seller cao turnover of Rp 2.5 million per month. What ya buy cao just have to pay a tax of 10 percent, "he said.
It should, further Fatkur, if you put a new tax object of academic study completed manuscript. But an academic paper that there is no explaining this. This categorization was not in accordance with Law 20/2008 on MSMEs.
MSME Act mentioned in the definition of micro, if the turnover per year USD 300 million per month or USD 25 million. "Lha is USD 1 million are taxed, but can not be classified as micro enterprises. So very lame at all, "criticism of former Chairman of the DPC PKS Surabaya.
According to him, in addition to burdening the street vendors, 10 percent tax burden on consumers is also street vendors who average lower middle income people. Because of this community that will directly affected by the tax. "We will fight for this provision be removed," he promised.
Surabaya DPRD Chairman Vishnu Ward also directly reject this provision. Vishnu promised to ask the special committee strike out this provision. According to him, very unfair if the street vendors that their income to Rp 30,000 per day should be burdened with taxes. "Street vendors were able to live alone is good, why is actually taxed. 'll Actually could increase unemployment.
Soon I will ask for the special committee rejected this, "he said.
Confirmed Separately, Head of Local Tax Revenue Joes Tamadji say, investments in tax objects restaurant street vendors because there has been fierce competition among vendors with a restaurant or a restaurant. The implementation of this tax based on the principle of justice.
Joes hope this addition could increase tax revenue from restaurants. By the end of September 2011 tax revenue from restaurants was 71 percent from 117 billion target. "With the addition of the tax object, the target revenue would be enlarged," explained Joes.
Separate Tri Rismaharini Surabaya Mayor when addressing the plenary council asserted, the enactment of tax based on the principle of justice and street vendors have been adapted to MSEs city of Surabaya.
Related to this policy, the Chairman of the Indonesian Association of sidewalk vendors (APKLI) Java Abdullah Ahmad Rival states refused, before there is recognition of the existence of street vendors in Surabaya. He also rejected equating the street vendors to restaurants because he thinks that not all conditions are the same vendors. Even the street vendors that turnover of Rp 1 million and above any condition is still uncertain.
"If vendors equated with the restaurant, it became clear that the city government does not promote empowerment. In fact, such as legalized extortion. Cook coffee and tea sellers willing to pull 10 percent, "he said.
Tax-boarding Kos
Not only street vendors, kos-kosan also will be taxed 5 per cent. Especially with more than 10 rooms.
It is also questionable because generally Fatkur kos-kosan more than 10 rooms inhabited by lower middle income people. While the upper classes prefer to have rented a little room, but a complete amenities such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and wifi. "It should also be considered, not directly visible from many rooms," he said.
Joes Tamadji say, the determination of 10 rooms, according to Law 28/2009. "We just follow the course," he said.
Source: surabayaonline, October 13, 2010
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